Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Because I'm too lazy to e-mail everyone, here is a lovely blog

It's amazing how doing the slightest thing can feel like a ridiculously large accomplishment in a foreign city. Today, I braved the cold, unflappable world and went to get my student card, after asking my roommates for help that is. I traveled deep, deep into the city center, waited in line for a few minutes, and returned minus 128 euros but plus a tiny card that lets me ride all transportation for free for the winter semester.
I will say this for Vienna, their transportation is awesome. On my way there I missed the first tram but less than 10 minutes later another one arrived. Also, they stop every couple of blocks so if a person were to say, get off on the wrong stop, it's no difficulty to walk back. The one thing I am still puzzling about is the matter of payment. A person can pay on the tram (2.20) or buy a ticket in advanced (1.80) but nowhere did I see a person/checking for tickets. I have a feeling the honors system is in large effect here.
Sadly, I forgot my camera otherwise I would be able to show the LARGEST CHURCH EVER!!! It was crazy and pointy and awesome. Slightly less awesome was the advertisement on one of the sides of the church. I also saw what can only be called a car-cycle, which is shaped like a car only it has two wheels such as on a motorcycle. Now that's something that should have been captured on film.
Returning back to my neighborhood and bolstered by the fact that I completed a small task I decided to reward myself by buying some sort of delicious foodstuff.
My Accomplishments for the Day

The bakery is a chain (at least I think so) and it translates into The Man, The Spoils. I don't know exactly what I got, but it was full of fig/date goodness.

In other news, I fought the cold, and I won. And by fight I mean drowning it with drinking 3L of water. My nose is still a little stuffy but my mother's fears of H1N1 can be dispersed.