Thursday, October 1, 2009

Welcome Days Part One

So despite not falling asleep till 3:30 this morning ( don't ask me, I have no idea why) I still managed to drag my butt out of bed at 7:45 and go to the International Welcome Day program. There was lots of talking, and I sort of listened, but my main mission was to make some new friends. However, this started off very discouragingly. I was following around two other Americans who live in my building (both from Iowa) who have been here for about 3 weeks, since they came for an intensive German course. This plan failed a bit because they talked mostly to other people and exchanged phone numbers, leaving me to watch while sad music played in the background. Then, the glory of lunchtime arrived and a random group of about 5 people (including myself) went to get some tasty pizza that was the size of a small cat.
Jess (Canada), I have no idea (Poland), Van (Vietnam), Veronica (Poland)In my defense, the boy has a very confusing name with like a p and an s together and a pretty strong accent, but I'll get it eventually and then come back to change this title.
After tasty tasty mushroom pizza we wandered a bit around the park that's on campus as well as explored the buildings.
Us coming down from the roof and despite the many stairs was well worth it because....
By the way, that ridiculously fantastic structure, that's a power plant. The world's largest six pack suddenly seems much less impressive.
Us in the park, self timer baby
After the program ended the two Polish kids left to go back home and Jess, Van and I wandered around campus hunting down the ERASMUS office. This ERASMUS thingy is essentially an international student card for European students but at BOKU they let anybody get one. It seems like a pretty sweet deal as the card also lets us get into a club for free and in said club there are very steep discounts for card holders. To top it all off, there's a kareoke night which just screams adventure. While we were searching for an ATM so Jess could buy her student pass, we came upon this, travesty against all logic.
Soooooooooo Tiny
Why illogical you my ask? I think that if a person is going to get a car that tiny they may as well just get a motorcycle and look super cool. Although I suppose that if, say, this car got good gas mileage or the person wanted a trunk, than fine it makes sense. But still, just look at it, it's like those toy cars little children get. Mesmerizing really.
Tomorrow is part 2 of the Welcome Days program and we're gonna wander around Vienna for part of it which should be fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, I am crazy jealous of your adventures! Our next two chapters in our German book are Saltzburg and Wien, so I'll be learning all about the wonderful city that you get to live in for the next year!
