Sunday, November 15, 2009

Photos photos photos

it just me or is this year going by really fast? Although the weather here seems more like early October than November. Today I walked around in just a t-shirt which made going to the Christmas market feel very odd. As it is, I haven't done anything super wild or crazy that I feel would merit it's own write up. Instead I shall treat you to a cornucopia of random photos from recent events. Enjoy!
My Halloween Costume, and incomplete mummy. The vampire fangs were just a necessary addition.
You had to pay money to go in, but man did these look swanky. Even had opera music playing.
At a Spainards birthday party. He couldn't be contained by just one party hat.
Coolest little kid ever, made even awesomer by the fact that his parents wore matching leather jackets.
Thomas showing off his mad paper airplane skills
Outside a swim hall. Oh the humanity!!
Sergio putting up a doohickey to measure the tree's height during our Inventory field trip.
Brad demonstrating the many uses of a caliber.
Something's cooking!!
Everyone got a turn at making sushi which led to some unsuccessful put together rolls, but still belly pleasing results.

These stickers are everywhere and I don't know what they're for, but some day I shall find out.

1 comment:

  1. Omg, I love the space invader sticker! It's so cute and awesome! I also like the bear killing a seal statue, I feel like it is a point of pride for northern countries that they celebrate their seal-clubbing. It's like a national sport!

    Your Halloween costume is both silly and awesome. I like the egyptian-y eye makeup. You win full points for creative, last-minute, no money costume. Rejoice.

    Now, on to serious business. Why, oh, why have you forsaken us? Just this week our house recieved a postcard from Kate. But where is our postcard from Hannah? We are so forlorn. Why don't you love us anymore?
