A Gogol Bordello concert (excitement!! Exlimation points everywhere!!)
Unfortunately (though not surprisingly) not many of the pictures turned out all that great. Mostly due to me not being able to use flash (due to the intense stage lighting). Other factors include, that the band was super lively and most members were jumping around all the time. Also, when taking a photo sans flash I have to hold the camera steady which means that I cannot be dancing, which was hard to do. So, in all their blurry glory, I present some photos from the concert.
Yup, already Gogol decided to become a shirtless-ultra rocking guitar player. Not that I can blame him, just being on the floor among all the people was enough to make me feel slightly unpleasent (heat-wise) so I'd imagine for him with all those lights it was even worse.
Strings representin'
I really hope, at some point in his life someone said "but son, how will you be a famous rock star if you don't learn the accordian?"
Yes, the music he was making fully justified this stance/facial expression
What I also really liked about the concert (other than the awesome array of instruments (thought I already knew that from the music)) was the vast array in age and dance style. Sure, it was kinda strange seeing people my parents age at the concert, but no odder to see people swing dancing to some of the music. Dance styles varied from a mosh pit (which I avoided as I value my feet and other body parts) to almost bollywood style, to ska style dancing, to couples dancing (that slow swaying thing). It was really fun to see and do for then I didn't have to feel like a nut when I danced (i.e flailed madly).
For the enoure they dragged the opening band on stage (a mariachi band).
At the end they were throwing pick and drumstickt to the audience (in the case of drumsticks more gently handing them, very considerate) but I wasn't close enough to get anything. The single item that did go near me was a towl one of them had used. Now, it may just be me, but I've heard several stories of maining and fighting over just trying to get a water bottle from a band member, or other such small things. However, when this towel came flinging by, everyone just stared at it as it lay on the floor till one guy just grabbed. I don't know if this makes Austrians less fan-crazy, or more smart in not really going crazy over a sweaty towel.
So the whole thing lasted about 2 hours (9:30-11:30) and by the time my friend and I left I was ultra sweaty, covered in beer from when someone flung their cup (seriously, so many people were doing that, why?), kinda horse, and sore from jumping and dancing so much. Despite having an excursion the next day which meant I had to awaken at 7.00, it was very much worth it.Also, I saw this the next day. Roomba meets mower!! Moomba?
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