Monday, November 2, 2009

Day of Awesome Fantasticness

Allow me to describe for you all the events of last Thursday (29.10.09) which shall from now on be known as the day of all things awesome and good (DoaTAaG for short).
It began in quite an annoying matter, since I had to go to Mariahilfstrasse (known for lots of swanky stores) and return a camera charger since I thought I could use it as an adapter since mine died. Upon arriving home yesterday I realized I was gravely mistaken and resigned myself to enduring the Returning of Electronics. If any of you think I'm over exaggerating, realize that all my experience with electronics and their returns are based off the less than simplistic return policy at Best Buy (i.e "haha sucker now we got your money"). Imagine my gleeful surprise when I was treated courteously (despite my lack of German) and left the store in less than 10 minutes minus a camera adapter but plus 10 wonderful euros.
Walking back to an U-bahn station I noticed a sign for alternative clothing and piercings. Since I time to kill I figured it was worth checking out, just so I could know where a store was when I inevitably lost my eyebrow ring (it happens, a lot).
Walking and walking and walking, but still no store, what did my eyes find but a comic book store. Inside, tucked away in the corner was the staple of every poor comic book reader's diet, the bargain bin. Figuring they might have something of interest (even if it was in German, I'm learning) I was skimming through when something caught my eye. Not one, two, but three issues of a 4 part run from the 90s featuring none other than.....Deadpool. For those of you who don't know, and really I think all of you are aware of this fact, Deadpool is one of my favorite comic book characters. However, due to recent events his character has gotten so popular that all oldish (from the 90s) issues of his cost many many moneys. Since the three issues weren't priced I worked up the nerve to go to the cashier and ask "Was kostet diese?" (How much do these cost). When he answered I heard angels sing, each issues was 50 cents! Really, I'm not exaggerating here, those issues are normally 5 or 6 dollars each. I think I might have scared him a little at the maniac smile that lit up my face but we traded money for comics, in the most glorious of all consumer transactions, and I left a very happy Hannah.
But then, what's this? Right next door was a......vegetarian restaurant. It ever had a small store for fake jerky and the like. Not only that, it was pretty cheap. I feasted upon a delicious mock chicken burger with a mango lassi. Full of tasty food I was paying when another customer's dog came up and started sniffing me, giving me the excuse to pet it (Austrians are pretty protective about their dogs). Then, for a most excellent dessert I went to a street vendor and bought what is best described as an ice cream cone dipped in chocolate. Only, instead of ice cream, it's some sort of heavy cream, like marshmallow fluff, kinda.
So from the details so far I must seem pretty materialistic. My day was made awesome by money, comics, and delicious fake animal muscle. However, the day still improved.
In the evening I met with people from field camp to exchange all our blackmail...I mean photos for the week we spent hiking through the freezing woods. The place we went to was an all-you-can-eat Pakistan restaurant that also had an intriguing payment method. That being that you can pay what you want. After we were all stuffed a few of us continued hanging out by walking over to the Welt (world) cafe. A very nice and mellow cafe, though my first choice was the Rock pub. A wonderful bar that had heavy metal music blaring and a bartender who looked like an old Morticia Adams. I feel that Paddy would have loved this place.
Around eleven the siren call of classes the next day drew most people home, but not I. So I met up with an American Rebecca, (who is half Austrian) and her boyfriend (Fabio, I kid you not, how awesome is that?). It may have just been the music (80s rock. Kids in America came on and all I could do was laugh and imagine when Arizona, Kate, and Sarah were gleefully singing that at the top of their lungs) or the conversing was amazingly awesome people, but the hours flew by and eventually we had to go our separate ways.
So in summary, a darn enjoyable day. Now all I have to worry about is making too many excuses to go to the corner of joy (where the comic book store and the vegetarian cafe are) or all my money will go bye bye.

1 comment:

  1. I do love me some 80s rock! And Fabio! Could he not believe it wasn't butter? Your day sounds quite fantastic indeed, I am full of jealousy.

