Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mah Birfday!!!

Well hooooooooooooooooooooooooooly crap I'm older!!! Despite celebrating my 21st birthday in a country where I could legally drink once I was 18, my day that celebrated the anniversary of my birth was pretty rad.

This birthday post if approved by me!
So even though La Crosse and Vienna apparently are feuding (meaning nothing my mother sends me arrives here), I did get a gift from the states. This box of awesomeness was sent by my buddies in Madison and actually arrived on March 2nd so I got it before my birthday, but not so much before that I had to stare at it for days and days trying to be strong and not open it. The contents of this box may have literally made me squeak with joy, as it either means a) my friends know me really well or b) they put in stuff they would like but we all dig the same awesome stuff. There were also notes/b-day cards from each of them which made me feel all full of warm fuzzies. Of course the inclusion of box cake, frosting, and candles that were my actual celebration age was the cherry on top of the birthday gift-tasticness!!!
For the majority of the day I just lazed about, since I actually didn't have any school for that day. I highly doubt this will happen again (not counting a birthday on a weekend) so I milked this for all it's worth and stayed in my pjs until I had to go out.
First up was linner (it was at 4 o'clock so kinda inbetwen) at Deewan, a place of glory, wonder, and Pakistan food. Not only is it an all-you-can-eat, but it's pay-as-you-like which makes it a popular student joint. I've been there a few times before and every time I go there I hear sooo much English!
Jenny (Germay), and Jess (Canada). I don't remember why they have these facial expressions, but I dub them fantastic

Dominic (Germany). Mmmmmm food!!

Despite Jess blatently asking me what kind of cake I liked last week, I totally forgot that moment so Rebecca and Jess presenting me with a cake was utterly a tasty suprise. It was chocolate with blood orange and was fantastically mmmmmmmmmmmm.
Cake or Death?? Well if it's this cake I'm ok with death by cake.
Then, Jenny had to go to a university tour (she goes to the main university, not BOKU), and the rest of us tried to get out to Soho where we were going to get drinks. However, some poor choices were made by those who shall remain nameless (:-P) and we got on a tram that didn't actually help us at all. However, even though we were like 15 minutes late our reservation was still all good so we were able to get down to it. At this point Fabian (Rebecca's bf), Didi (Taiwan), and Jose (Costa Rica) were able to join us. So we partied it up!!!
Look! 1 euro cocktails! Also, friends!
Did I mention this was a kareoke bar? Well it was. Unfortunatly the waiting list to sing was quite long and only Jose could find a song that he wanted to sing so the rest of us just chilled for the hour that we had to wait for him to sing.
There was also headbanging to really slow tempo love songs. Wonderfully out of place.

Jose and Dominic look up the song lyrics to prepare

He chose to sing La Bamba

Everybody dance!

I even got into the groove a bit
After Jose sang we decided to vamoose to go to stammtisch (a weekly gathering for international students at BOKU) but we were distracted a bit by this chair.
Awwwww!! She's adorable!

Outside the mall (where Soho is located), Rebecca presented me with her other gift (beside the cake). A bottle of champagne since a) I could now drink legally and being presented with booze is the best way to celebrate it and b) champagne makes everything ultra classy.
Hurray now we are fancy!!

Yup. Keeping it classy.

Us walking to Tunnel
Once at Tunnel (the pub) we sat in the celler and listened to some very mellow live music while we chatted about a variety of things that now escape me. Before that though, I did make the rounds to greet some classmates which resulted in me hearing Happy Birthday in several different languages, so that was fun. Eventually, people started peetering out untill it was just Jess, Pzemek (Polish, but I can't for the life of me spell his name, sigh), Seb (Jess's bf), Juan (Seb's roomie), and Ria (Jess's roomie). Again, I got Happy Birthday sung to be and I decided to try and record it but when I asked for a repeat performance I was instead treated to this little number.

On the walk home I snagged myself a falafel and went to sleep a comforting sleep despite the lingering knowledge that I had class the next morning.

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