Monday, May 10, 2010

Ground Control to Major Tom

Greetings all. Just for people's information I've finally uploaded all my pictures from my travelings during Spring Break. While the vacation itself was awesome incarnate and I got to spend 3 weeks with some grand and glorious friends, the return was less than good so I just didn't feel up to making any posts chronicling my journeys. But, as previously stated, pictures are up and those are worth a thousand words. So, if I've got like 30 pictures per town then technically I just wrote a post of 90,000 words. You're welcome all :-P
Though classes may be finishing up for all you stateside, I've still got classes throughout the rest of June, but they won't be keeping me too busy so I'm actually ok with that.
Other than that very little is new, except for the fact that my parental units are coming in pretty much less than 72 hours and they shall be visiting Prague and Budapest. This means, I too shall be visiting Prague and Budapest (again).
Ummmmm the weather is really nice here. Everything is flowering and lovely lilacs are blooming into wonderous scented delight. On the first of May I had a picnic on Danube Island with some Finns (May Day is a big Finnish holiday) and I could have easily just slept in the grass alllll day. :-D
My hapkido classes are going well and so far my lack of strong German langauge knowledge has not been too much of a bother. As a warm-up we normally play games (kinda like football only no tackle) or try and hit each others shoulders ( a lot harder than it sounds). Ok, the descriptions are lacking, but it's really fun, much better than just doing sit-ups and push-ups. Also, most of the kids actually aim for the face when we're practicing our punches, which is a very good thing.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnd let's see. Oh, I went to free comic book day last Saturday (08.05.10). The downside was that I forgot ALL stores close super early on Saturdays here, so I only made it to one store and only got 2 free comics. I've got a good feeling about them though. One is about a hero with "the heart of a duck!" Also, it was fun standing there looking at comics and listening to the owner talk to another guy. I couldn't understand all of the conversation, but thanks to the universal language of geekery I got the general meaning (essentially: too many Crisises and how Constantine was a horrible adaptaion of Hellblazer).

Thank you and good night.

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